Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Person Who want tiger can survive.

This email is not regarding funny things...... jokes. or something else. It contains very serious matter on which Indians are not thinking so much because it is not related to them. It is related to mother nature.

It's About saving Tiger because they cant fight alone. they need our help to survive.

see the beautiful animal :

It is really shocking and appalling that only 1411 tigers are left in our country. The issue of wildlife extinction has again come into limelight when various organizations nature lovers, students, and others have started campaigning for saving the tigers. If we go back in time, in the beginning of 20th century there were approximately 40,000 tigers, the number reduced to 3,642 in the year 2002 and now it’s just 1411 in 2010 because of this How man is treating this animal at extreme that are fighting for their survival on this earth:

Is this animal's skin is really matter for us or this animal. if this thing happen like this our next generation will not see this beautiful animal any more. Think before telling anything.. How much important is each and every animal in ecosystem.human have brain to think but that poor, helpless animals what else they can do than dieing or escaping for this human world. we say animals come into the villages or cities.why do they come? Actually they don’t come we go in theirs area.

Please raise your hand regarding saving tigers in India. So this beautiful animal survive at last.........

Please fwd this email as much as u can so that every can think that how much tiger are really important 
to us. this little one is say to you for this survival.

Put your name below and fwd to as it is so that everyone know your curiosity.


Ravi Raiya
A Person Who want tiger can survive.

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